Run Your
Online Tutoring Center
Focus on teaching. Let us streamline your tutoring center operations.
A One-Stop Solution for Your Online Tutoring Center Needs
Build and customize your online tutoring
Flexibility to embed the tutoring center
within your own domain
Create classes, assign tutors and
students, message boards for announcements
Admin, Tutor and Student portals and analytics
Unlimited free interactive whiteboards to offer an unparalleled teaching
and learning experience for students and tutors
In-built audio/video conferencing and recording facility
Ability for students to learn in a live class, or at their own pace
asynchronously and view class recordings
Sign-Up for Free/Login
Contact Us to Schedule a Demo
Launch Your Tutoring Center
- Build your tutoring center by just providing name, logo and address
- Create classes, assign teachers and students
- Enable/Disable live class recordings
- Assign teaching and/or collaborative whiteboards to each class
- Copy and embed the tutoring center link in iframe and launch entire tutoring center
your own domain
- Contact us at for
more information and we will be happy to help you
Start Tutoring
- Access the link to tutoring center shared by your admin, register and login to your
- From your teaching dashboard, access any class to know your students, and launch
teaching and/or collaborative whiteboard to start tutoring session
- Receive feedback from students and view recordings of your past classes
- Use the messaging center to post important announcements and communicate with your
Start Learning
- As a student, access the link shared by the admin of the tutoring center, register, and
login to see a listing of all of your classes.
- Join the class to start learning or view previously recorded lessons
- Use class message board to communicate with your tutor or know about important
We believe in co-creating our
with teachers and administrators. Please feel free to send your valuable feedback, suggestions and
to us at